Vocational Services

Our services promote an effective, efficient, and safe return to work for the injured or diseased worker. It is ideal to begin vocational rehabilitation at the onset of injury and to maintain a collaborative effort between the worker, case manager, physician, and employer.

Vocational Rehabilitation services encompass many domains of care including, but not limited to: transitional work programs, vocational evaluations, job analysis, job descriptions, transferable skills analysis, labor market surveys, job safety recommendations, job coaching/job counseling, loss of employment potential, and loss of earning capacity. 


A Vocational Evaluation is a comprehensive evaluation process that assesses an individual’s strengths and limitations through a thorough evaluation, review of medical records, aptitude testing, interest testing, and work samples. A vocational evaluation incorporates results of a Functional Capacities Evaluation, Transferable Skills Analysis and current medical records to generate a comprehensive view of an individual’s current work potential and recommendations for job placement.

Labor Market Survey 

A Labor Market Survey (LMS) provides information on what specific jobs and/or training opportunities are available in a geographically desirable area. The information is then correlated to fit the physical requirements and needs of an individual and the job requirements as generated by the Transferable Skills Analysis and Vocational Evaluation.

Job Placement Services

Job placement services provide not only an examination of transferable skills analysis (TSA) and job requirements but also transitional job placement. A job analysis assesses the demands and requirements of a particular job and assists in determining whether a job/position is suitable and safe for the returning worker. Transitional Employment allows a disabled worker to return to suitable employment for a specified time frame.

Loss of Earning Capacity Evaluations

A review of pertinent records along with a TSA and LMS can provide information on employment and earnings potential given an individual’s residual functional capacity after an injury, illness, or disease.

Ergonomic Assessments & Safety Programs

Ergonomic assessment and safety programs provide our client with detailed assessments of ergonomic issues for specific jobs in industrial locations, office environments, or home office. Our safety programs develop strategies to minimize the risk identified in the ergonomic assessment.