Life Care Plans

The International Academy of Life Care Planners defines a Life Care Plan as "A dynamic document based upon published standards of practice, comprehensive assessment, data analysis, and research which provides an organized concise plan for current and future needs, with associated costs, for individuals who have experienced catastrophic injury or have chronic care needs."

Questions to consider for Life Care Plans:

  1. Will lifetime medicals be required

  2. Will a Medicare Set-Aside account need to be identified?

  3. Are there multiple vendors providing various equipment and/or services?

  4. Does your case have intermittent medical complications?

  5. Do you and the parties in the case need information/education on what the case needs?

  6. Does your client need education and tangible resources?

The Life Care Plans at The Wright Rehabilitation Services, Inc. is completed by a certified life care planner and a team of experts.

Life Care Plans can involve collateral resources, special needs trust issues, and other related estate planning services through collaboration with qualified experts.

Life Care Plans are frequently used in mediations and settlement disputes and are frequently used to quantify medical damages.

Life Care Plans are often a pre-cursor to a Medicare Set-Aside in catastrophic injury cases.

Life Care Plans are utilized in complicated and catastrophic cases that have the potential for lifetime medical and/or rehabilitation care.

Life Care Pan components include, but are not limited to:

  • Projected Evaluations

  • Durable Medical Items

  • Medications and Supplies Potential

  • Projected Therapeutic Modalities

  • Aggressive Medical Intervention

  • Vocational/Educational Needs

  • Home Care/Facility Care

  • Architectural Renovations

  • Transportation

  • Future Medical Care - Routine

  • Complications

  • Aids for Independent Functions

  • Orthotics/Prosthetics

  • Wheelchair Mobility Needs

  • Wheelchair Accessories

Life Care Plans with Medicare Set-Aside Arrangement:
A Life Care Plan with a Medicare Set-Aside Arrangement for a workers' compensation case may not necessarily warrant all of the documentation required for the aforementioned Life Care Plan/Future Care Plan product. A life care plan used to document what an MSA does not cover is often requested to accompany an MSA.